The species of Trichophthalma (Diptera: Nemestrinidae) of Argentina
The genus Trichophthalma (Diptera: Nemestrinidae) was last revised for Argentina in 1939. Since
then several species were newly cited or described for this country but no comprehensive treatment of the genus
was published. The analysis of our own extensive collections and of the holdings of Trichophthalma at three major
entomological collections in Argentina showed that eleven different species of Trichophthalma exist in this country,
and that three of these have an unexpectedly ample distribution, including areas unconnected to the southern
temperate forests of Patagonia, where all previous records were concentrated. A key for all Argentinean species is
then several species were newly cited or described for this country but no comprehensive treatment of the genus
was published. The analysis of our own extensive collections and of the holdings of Trichophthalma at three major
entomological collections in Argentina showed that eleven different species of Trichophthalma exist in this country,
and that three of these have an unexpectedly ample distribution, including areas unconnected to the southern
temperate forests of Patagonia, where all previous records were concentrated. A key for all Argentinean species is
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