El patrimonio paleontológico en el sector costero al NE de Mar del Plata (Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina): Estado del conocimiento, vulnerabilidad y propuestas para su conservación
coastal cliffs of the area between Punta Iglesias and Arroyo Los Cueros (General Pueyrredón and Mar Chiquita
Counties, Buenos Aires Province) host a number of highly relevant paleontological sites. These geoforms have
provided large collections that comprise the pool of local and national museums, representing essential tools for
understanding the geological, biological and socio-cultural processes of the regional past. However, according to
the results obtained here, the heritage in this area evidence a critical vulnerability state as a result of systematic
increase of coastal erosion and the anthropogenic disturbances on local geoforms. For these reasons, we required
the implementation of coastal management programs that consider the local heritage significance according to
the current legal protection framework. The existence of favorable characteristics in local communities could
provide an opportunity to address the problem by integrating different social sectors, directly or indirectly affected.
In order to coerce arrangements to guarantee protecting the vulnerable areas, we suggested to the agencies
involved joint development an “Integrated Heritage Management Plan” considering the characteristics of
each sector. Particularly, we claim about the need to establish a protected area on the cliffs of Camet Norte (Mar
Chiquita County), where there is a deposit of exceptional conditions in the Pampean Region, currently under
continued deterioration plight
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