A catalog of the types of Tenebrionidae sensu lato (Insecta, Coleoptera, Cucujiformia) deposited in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, Buenos Aires
The type specimens (all current categories) of Tenebrionidae s.l. housed at the Museo Argentino de
Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, until December 2007 are listed; 158 names are recorded, 125 of them
(79 percent) represented here by name-bearing types (primary types). The family is taken in its broadest sense
(including the Alleculinae and Lagriinae, sometimes treated as separate families). The specific and subspecific
names were alphabetically filed, followed by the generic ones as they were spelled in the original publication (or
the generic and specific names in the case of subspecies and varieties). Later combinations and/or current binomina,
and synonyms are mentioned as far as these are known to the authors. Two lists are added: 1. of specimens
labelled as types of names not found in the literature, and presumably not published, and 2. of specimens labelled
as types, but not originally included as such, and published or not after the original description.
Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, until December 2007 are listed; 158 names are recorded, 125 of them
(79 percent) represented here by name-bearing types (primary types). The family is taken in its broadest sense
(including the Alleculinae and Lagriinae, sometimes treated as separate families). The specific and subspecific
names were alphabetically filed, followed by the generic ones as they were spelled in the original publication (or
the generic and specific names in the case of subspecies and varieties). Later combinations and/or current binomina,
and synonyms are mentioned as far as these are known to the authors. Two lists are added: 1. of specimens
labelled as types of names not found in the literature, and presumably not published, and 2. of specimens labelled
as types, but not originally included as such, and published or not after the original description.
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