Capacidad de natación en Poecilia reticulata (Pisces: Cyprinodontiformes)
Swimming capacity in Poecilia reticulata (Pisces: Cyprinodontiformes): The swimming
capacity of Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859 was analyzed using 265 specimens of three classes: longtailed
males, short-tailed males, and females, with a total range of standard length between 16.0 and 42.1
mm. Experiments were carried out in a current tunnel under controlled laboratory conditions at a water
velocity of 15.4 cm s-1, and a temperature of 24.7° C. The fatigue time varied between 1.2 and 56.4 min.
and it was correlated positively with the fish standard length in short-tailed males and females. Both
classes showed a better swimming capacity than long-tailed males. Only large short-tail males (27.5 mm)
have a significant better capacity than smaller females (24.2 mm). According to these data, and the
subcylindrical body form, Poecilia reticulata may be considered an intermediate type between
acceleration and navigation specialists.
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