Chiloscyphus subgenus Phaeochiloscyphus (Hepatophyta, Geocalycaceae) from southern South America
:Chiloscyphus subgenus Phaeochiloscyphus J. J. Engel & R. M. Schust. is revised and shown to contain two species, C. durus (Steph.) Hässel, comb. nov. and C. magellanicus Steph. Study of additional material has shown that Chiloscyphus hookeri J.J. Engel must be treated as a new synonym of C. durus, as is Leptoscyphus decipiens Mitt., nom. inval. Chiloscyphus lobatus Steph. is treated as a new synonym are C. magellanicus. The two accepted species are distinguished by a key; typification and synonymy are presented in full and all specimens studied from Chile and Argentina are cited along with a summary of distribution and ecology. Finally, C. magellanicus is fully described and illustrated for the first time.
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