Mieles monoflorales pampeanas de Condalia microphylla Cav. y Centaurea solstitialis L.: análisis melisopalinológicos relacionados con caracteres fisicoquímicos
Physicochemical (colour, free acidity, pH, moisture, glucose contents, glucose/water ratio, electric conductivity and granulation) and melissopalynological properties (absolute and relative pollen frequency) of two honeys of different botanical origin were related. The unifloral honey samples of Condalia microphylla and Centaurea solstitialis come from 8 apiaries located in the Caldén District, Phytogeographical Espinal Province. All the analyzed variable, except moisture, allow to differ the patterns of both botanical origin honeys. The variables colour, electric conductivity and pH show a high relation and they are also related to elevated values of acidity present in the samples with high abundance of pollen. These results were correlated with the unifloral honeys of Condalia microphylla. The pollen analysis suggests that there is a sub-representation of pollen in Centaurea solstitialis honey and an overrepresentation in the Condalia microphylla honey. The cluster analyses, taking into account all the variables under study, permits the arrangement of the samples in two groups according to the botanical origin.
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