La tafoflora Triásica del Cajón Troncoso, Alta Cordillera del Maule, 7ª Region, Chile
The Triassic flora of Cajón Troncoso, Cordillera del Maule, 7th Region, Chile. Six fossil leaf taxa and one seed from an outcrop in the high andean range at the Maule region, Chile, are described. This assemblage is composed of: Asterotheca sp., Cladophlebis kurtzii Frenguelli vel Cladophlebis mesozoica Frenguelli, Cladophlebis cf. copiosa Frenguelli, Dictyophyllum (Dictyophyllum) tenuifolium (Stipanicic & Menéndez) Bonetti & Herbst, Pterophyllum azcaratei Herbst & Troncoso, Linguifolium lilleanum Arber and Semina incertae sedis. Additionally, fragments of Dicroidium, Heidiphyllum and Rochipteris have also been found. This association allows us to assign a Triassic age to the beds. These sediments were included by earlier authors in the non-formal "Estratos del Cajón Troncoso". Relations of this taphoflora to other Triassic taphofloras from Chile and Argentina are briefly discussed.
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