Claves para las especies argentinas de Centris (Hymenoptera, Apidae), con descripción de nuevas especies y notas sobre distribución
Keys to the Argentine species of Centris (Hymenoptera, Apidae), with descriptions of new species and notes on distribution. Thirty-two species of Centris are recorded for Argentina. Keys to females and males are presented, together with brief notes on synonymy and distribution for each species. Several characters used in the keys are illustrated. The following species are described as new: Centris catsal, C. cordillerana, C. hyptidoides, C. jujuyana, C. mourei, C. vardyorum, and C. vogeli. A lectotype designation is made for C. vulpecula Burmeister. The following new synonymies are proposed: C. lynchi Schrottky n. syn. of C. nigriventris Burmeister, Centris burgdorfi paraguayensis Friese and Hemisia burgdorfi ocellata: Schrottky n. syn. of C. burgdorfi Friese. Northern Argentina represents the southernmost limit of distribution of several species broadly distributed in the tropics; new records of such species for Argentina are: bicolor, bicornuta, fuscata, labrosa, mocsaryi, similis, and sponsa. Centris buchholzi, previously known from Chile and Peru, and C. burgdorfi known from Paraguay, are also recorded for Argentina.
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