Inferencias paleoecológicas a partir del análisis de microfósiles fúngicos en una turbera pleistoceno-holocena de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

Lorena Musotto, María Virginia Bianchinotti, Ana María Borromei


Palaeoecological inferences from the analysis of fungal microfossils of a mire in Tierra
del Fuego, Argentina. This paper presents the fungal remains recovered from the fossil peat sequence at La
Correntina mire (S 54° 33´ - W 67°), located in the central part of Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.
Newly recognised fungal microfossils have distinctive morphological features that allow their systematic classification.
Representatives of Glomeromycota (1), Ascomycota (7), mitosporic fungi (4) and three types of spores
without taxonomic rank are identified and described. This study represents a contribution to the knowledge of
the fossil fungal remains and provides data about their ecological implications.

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