A catalog of the types of Elateridae (Coleoptera) deposited in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires
The type specimens (all current categories) of Elateridae deposited in this Museum are catalogued:
twenty-four names are recorded. The specific names are alphabetically entered a single list, followed by the generic
ones in their original spellings. An account of the types actually here deposited follows, with a description of
all the labels. Later combinations, and synonyms are mentioned insofar they are known to the authors. In order
to assist in future research, two further lists are added: 1. of specimens labeled as types of names not found in the
bibliography, and probably not published, and 2. of specimens labeled as types but not originally included in a type
series, published or not after the original description (mainly ‘allotypes’).
twenty-four names are recorded. The specific names are alphabetically entered a single list, followed by the generic
ones in their original spellings. An account of the types actually here deposited follows, with a description of
all the labels. Later combinations, and synonyms are mentioned insofar they are known to the authors. In order
to assist in future research, two further lists are added: 1. of specimens labeled as types of names not found in the
bibliography, and probably not published, and 2. of specimens labeled as types but not originally included in a type
series, published or not after the original description (mainly ‘allotypes’).
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