Presencia del bagre marino Genidens planifrons (Teleostei, Siluriformes, Ariidae) en las costas de la República Argentina
Presence of the marine catfish Genidens planifrons (Teleostei, Siluriformes, Ariidae) in
Argentinean shores. The marine catfishes of the genus Genidens are endemic of the south Atlantic coasts of
South America. The clade is composed by four extant species, distributed from the southern coast of Brazil to
northern Patagonia, though some species can occasionally be registered in southern Patagonia. The presence of
the species Genidens planifrons in Argentinean shores is confirmed on the basis of new records. The taxonomical
identification of this species is sustained by a series of reliable morphological and osteological characters. The
presence of this species in Argentinean territory considerably extends its southern distribution.
Argentinean shores. The marine catfishes of the genus Genidens are endemic of the south Atlantic coasts of
South America. The clade is composed by four extant species, distributed from the southern coast of Brazil to
northern Patagonia, though some species can occasionally be registered in southern Patagonia. The presence of
the species Genidens planifrons in Argentinean shores is confirmed on the basis of new records. The taxonomical
identification of this species is sustained by a series of reliable morphological and osteological characters. The
presence of this species in Argentinean territory considerably extends its southern distribution.
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