New distributional data on the genus Phoniocercus Pocock, 1893 (Scorpiones; Bothriuridae) with the first record from Argentina
Scorpion genus Phoniocercus Pocock, 1893 (Bothriuridae) is endemic to the cold humid forests of
the southwestern part of South America. Up to now the known distribution of the genus was restricted to the
Valdivian forests of southern Chile. In this contribution we present the first record from Argentina and the first
records from central Chile. New data about their ecology and systematics are also presented.
the southwestern part of South America. Up to now the known distribution of the genus was restricted to the
Valdivian forests of southern Chile. In this contribution we present the first record from Argentina and the first
records from central Chile. New data about their ecology and systematics are also presented.
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