El género Ceratina en la Argentina: revisión del subgénero Neoclavicera subg. n. (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Xylocopinae)
The genus Ceratina in Argentina: revision of the subgenus Neoclavicera subg. n.
(Hymenoptera, Apidae, Xylocopinae). A new subgenus of Ceratina, Neoclavicera subg. n., is described to
include its type species, Ceratina parvimacula sp. n., and ten additional species: C. asunciana Strand, C. richardsoniae
Schrottky, C. rotundiceps Smith, C. angulata sp. n., C. caveata sp. n., C. fimbriata sp. n., C. latisetis sp.
n., C. subcarinata sp. n., C. tucumana sp. n., and C. umbricosta sp. n. A lectotype is designated for C. asunciana
Strand. These species are characterized by a strong pronotal carina, much as in the subgenera Crewella Cockerell
and Calloceratina Cockerell, but they are distinguished by the single apical tooth on the fore and mid tibiae, and
the wax plate restricted to the second metasomal sternum. The new subgenus is distributed in Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Paraguay, Perú and Uruguay.
(Hymenoptera, Apidae, Xylocopinae). A new subgenus of Ceratina, Neoclavicera subg. n., is described to
include its type species, Ceratina parvimacula sp. n., and ten additional species: C. asunciana Strand, C. richardsoniae
Schrottky, C. rotundiceps Smith, C. angulata sp. n., C. caveata sp. n., C. fimbriata sp. n., C. latisetis sp.
n., C. subcarinata sp. n., C. tucumana sp. n., and C. umbricosta sp. n. A lectotype is designated for C. asunciana
Strand. These species are characterized by a strong pronotal carina, much as in the subgenera Crewella Cockerell
and Calloceratina Cockerell, but they are distinguished by the single apical tooth on the fore and mid tibiae, and
the wax plate restricted to the second metasomal sternum. The new subgenus is distributed in Argentina, Bolivia,
Brazil, Paraguay, Perú and Uruguay.
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