Evolución de la pesca costera de arrastre de fondo en Puerto Quequén, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Periodo 1999-2010
Evolution of the coastal bottom trawl fishery at Puerto Quequén, Buenos Aires province, Argentina: 1999-2010 period. Tthe occurence of the “fishing down food web” process at Puerto Quequén was studied, based on the relationship between the temporal pattern of landings and indirect indicators as the mean trophic level an the “fishing in balance” index. Ttotal landings were obtained from vessels landing reports. For each year the mean trophic level of fishery and the “fishing in balance” index were calculated. For the analysis of the temporal series of the mean trophic level, a linear regression model was used. With relation to total landings, no changes were � distinguished. ten species represent more than the 90 %of total landings. the regression analy-Tten %% analysis
showed a significant and positive tendency. Nno declination in the mean trophic level of fishery was observed, thus the “fishing down food web” process is no occurring at Puerto Quequén. However, the “fishing in balance index” shows that the fleet has reached a level of limit expansion, starting, probably, with a descendent process making the fishery unbalanced in ecological terms and turning it no sustainable.
showed a significant and positive tendency. Nno declination in the mean trophic level of fishery was observed, thus the “fishing down food web” process is no occurring at Puerto Quequén. However, the “fishing in balance index” shows that the fleet has reached a level of limit expansion, starting, probably, with a descendent process making the fishery unbalanced in ecological terms and turning it no sustainable.
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