El mundo de las plantas en los últimos 130 millones de años: el Museo y sus investigadores como propulsores del conocimiento
The world of plants in the last 130 million years: The Museum and its researchers as propellants
of knowledge. The magnificence and diversity of the extant flora, with plants adapted to almost all
environments and latitudes throughout the world have originated, and originate, innumerable questions to all
who study its fossil record. This Museum and its researchers have played a leading role in answering many of
these questions almost from the very beginning. In early stages of the Museum the fossil plant record was highlighted
by Hermann Burmeister and Florentino Ameghino, among others. After 1951, with the formation of the
Paleobotany Division, the discipline began to have a significant rise in the Museum with growing and progressive
incorporation of researchers, increase of scientific collections and the transfer of knowledge through scientific
meetings and publications in renowned national and international journals. In this context, it is worth noting the
task conducted by Dr. Alberto Castellanos and the first Heads of the Paleobotany Division: Drs. Carlos Menéndez
(1951-1975), Wolfgang Volkheimer (1975-1987) and Sergio Archangelsky (1987-2006) who laid the foundations
that would position the Museum as one of the most important centers in Argentina on the study of Paleobotany.
of knowledge. The magnificence and diversity of the extant flora, with plants adapted to almost all
environments and latitudes throughout the world have originated, and originate, innumerable questions to all
who study its fossil record. This Museum and its researchers have played a leading role in answering many of
these questions almost from the very beginning. In early stages of the Museum the fossil plant record was highlighted
by Hermann Burmeister and Florentino Ameghino, among others. After 1951, with the formation of the
Paleobotany Division, the discipline began to have a significant rise in the Museum with growing and progressive
incorporation of researchers, increase of scientific collections and the transfer of knowledge through scientific
meetings and publications in renowned national and international journals. In this context, it is worth noting the
task conducted by Dr. Alberto Castellanos and the first Heads of the Paleobotany Division: Drs. Carlos Menéndez
(1951-1975), Wolfgang Volkheimer (1975-1987) and Sergio Archangelsky (1987-2006) who laid the foundations
that would position the Museum as one of the most important centers in Argentina on the study of Paleobotany.
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