Impactos de la transformación agropecuaria sobre la biodiversidad en la provincia de Buenos Aires
Impacts of agricultural transformation on biodiversity in the province of Buenos Aires,
Argentina. Agricultural practices have a series of profound transformations on natural systems. Similarly to
what have happened in other regions, the introduction of agro-ecosystems in the Pampas of the province of
Buenos Aires in Central Argentina has substantially modified its structure and functioning, with consequent
changes for regional biodiversity. In this paper we summarize the main findings of the studies conducted by our
research group regarding the impact of agricultural practices on biodiversity in Buenos Aires province during the
last 2-3 decades, namely: 1) agriculturization has resulted in detectable changes in the abundance and distribution
of many vertebrate species, particularly in retractions of species of birds and mammals associated with grasslands,
highlighting the need to maintain pastoral landscapes with large areas of natural grasslands, as several
endangered species are found exclusively in such landscapes, 2) in highly fragmented agricultural landscapes,
maintenance of natural vegetation along roadsides, embankments and fences helps to retain a significant fraction
of wildlife in agroecosystems, 3) the coexistence of Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) and cattle is possible
under rotational grazing systems and / or under low stocking rate schemes and 4) the presence of trees is a limiting
factor of the abundance of pest birds (pigeons and parrots) in the province of Buenos Aires, which raises the
possibility of a proper management of these species depending on the density and type of trees to be planted.
Argentina. Agricultural practices have a series of profound transformations on natural systems. Similarly to
what have happened in other regions, the introduction of agro-ecosystems in the Pampas of the province of
Buenos Aires in Central Argentina has substantially modified its structure and functioning, with consequent
changes for regional biodiversity. In this paper we summarize the main findings of the studies conducted by our
research group regarding the impact of agricultural practices on biodiversity in Buenos Aires province during the
last 2-3 decades, namely: 1) agriculturization has resulted in detectable changes in the abundance and distribution
of many vertebrate species, particularly in retractions of species of birds and mammals associated with grasslands,
highlighting the need to maintain pastoral landscapes with large areas of natural grasslands, as several
endangered species are found exclusively in such landscapes, 2) in highly fragmented agricultural landscapes,
maintenance of natural vegetation along roadsides, embankments and fences helps to retain a significant fraction
of wildlife in agroecosystems, 3) the coexistence of Pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) and cattle is possible
under rotational grazing systems and / or under low stocking rate schemes and 4) the presence of trees is a limiting
factor of the abundance of pest birds (pigeons and parrots) in the province of Buenos Aires, which raises the
possibility of a proper management of these species depending on the density and type of trees to be planted.
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