Del Museo Real al Museo Nacional/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: fragmentos del pasado y del presente
From Museu Real to Museu Nacional/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: past and present fragments.
Created on June 6, 1818 by D. Joao VI, King of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves, the Museu Real/ Royal
Museum (later renamed Museu Nacional/National Museum) designed as the centralizer of studies and research
relating to natural sciences in Brazil. In this founding decree, the strategic relevance of the new institution was
highlight. There was an underlying understanding that the produced knowledge and deposited collections will contribute
to the economic and cultural development of the kingdom. Throughout its history, the institution expanded,
established partnerships, international cooperation and undergone several transformations: from its name,
its headquarters and its position in the government structure. Currently integrated to the Universidade Federal
do Rio de Janeiro/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and with over 300 professionals in its permanent
staff (plus contracted employees and students), the Museu Nacional, continues the tradition of cutting edge in
research devoted to Natural History and Anthropology, and maintain an invaluable collection, ever expanding.
Created on June 6, 1818 by D. Joao VI, King of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves, the Museu Real/ Royal
Museum (later renamed Museu Nacional/National Museum) designed as the centralizer of studies and research
relating to natural sciences in Brazil. In this founding decree, the strategic relevance of the new institution was
highlight. There was an underlying understanding that the produced knowledge and deposited collections will contribute
to the economic and cultural development of the kingdom. Throughout its history, the institution expanded,
established partnerships, international cooperation and undergone several transformations: from its name,
its headquarters and its position in the government structure. Currently integrated to the Universidade Federal
do Rio de Janeiro/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and with over 300 professionals in its permanent
staff (plus contracted employees and students), the Museu Nacional, continues the tradition of cutting edge in
research devoted to Natural History and Anthropology, and maintain an invaluable collection, ever expanding.
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