Maderas fósiles de Lauraceae de la Formación Ituzaingó (Plioceno - Pleistoceno), cuenca del río Paraná, Argentina
Fossil woods of Lauraceae from the Ituzaingó Formation (Pliocene - Pleistocene), Paraná
river basin, Argentina. Six fossil woods with Lauraceae affinity from the fluvial sediments of the Ituzaingó
Formation were described. The specimens were found in Hernandarias and Curtiembre fossiliferous localities,
in Entre Ríos, Argentina. Combination of characters present in the specimens allowed us to distinguish the
Lauraceae from other dicotyledonous families and to assign them to two different fossil species: Laurinoxylon
artabeae (Brea) Dupéron-Laudoueneix & Dupéron 2005 and a new genus. The Vulnerability Index (V) and
Mesomorphy Ratio (M) were calculated, and they indicated that the two species were adapted to wet environments.
Comparison with the nearest living relatives suggests the existence of a flora linked to a watercourse, with
riparian components.
river basin, Argentina. Six fossil woods with Lauraceae affinity from the fluvial sediments of the Ituzaingó
Formation were described. The specimens were found in Hernandarias and Curtiembre fossiliferous localities,
in Entre Ríos, Argentina. Combination of characters present in the specimens allowed us to distinguish the
Lauraceae from other dicotyledonous families and to assign them to two different fossil species: Laurinoxylon
artabeae (Brea) Dupéron-Laudoueneix & Dupéron 2005 and a new genus. The Vulnerability Index (V) and
Mesomorphy Ratio (M) were calculated, and they indicated that the two species were adapted to wet environments.
Comparison with the nearest living relatives suggests the existence of a flora linked to a watercourse, with
riparian components.
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