Primer registro de Synbranchiformes (Teleostei) para el Holoceno temprano de Argentina
First record of Symbranchiformes (Teleostei) from the early Holocene of Argentina. In this contribution we present and describe the remains of the bony fish cf. Synbranchus, exhumed from fossiliferous levels of the Río Bermejo Formation, Mansilla, southeastern Formosa province, Argentina. These materials constitute the only fish remains exhumed in this area, and they were found in association with extinct mammals which are characteristic of the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene. Until now, only few fossil remains of Synbranchidae were known in South America. The earliest records come from the lowermost section of the Upper Pleistocene (“Belgranense”) from the Pampean region, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The materials coming from the Rio Bermejo Formation represent the first fossil record of a Synbranchidae cf. Synbranchus from the Early Holocene.
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