Los reptiles escamosos del Plioceno de la costa atlántica entre Mar del Plata y Miramar, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Pliocene squamate reptiles of the Atlantic coast between Mar del Plata and Miramar, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Teiid and amphisbaenian reptiles from Pliocene beds along the coast of the Buenos Aires province, between Mar del Plata and Miramar, are described. They include previously listed remains as well as unreported material belonging to old collections. They document the presence of the teiid genus Tupinambis in Upper Chapadmalalan and Marplatan (Vorohuan) units. The extinct species “T. onyxodon” Kraglievich 1947 is considered invalid herein; also, previous cites of T. merianae are reevaluated as Tupinambis sp.. Remains of the amphisbaenid Amphisbaena sp. are identified in Upper Chapadmalal beds; they represent so far the earliest record of amphisbaenians in South America.
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