Silurian microplankton from the Cachipunco Formation (Santa Bárbara Range; Andina Central Basin), Jujuy, Argentina
The palynological content of Cachipunco Formation is described in this contribution. This formation
lies in the Santa Barbara Range, Jujuy Province, and outcrops at two localities: Angosto Los Pereyras and Cumbre
los Pereyras. The more complete succession is the one from Angosto Los Pereyras, where the formation comprises
273 m of dark siltstones interstratified with thin sandstones and without visible base or top. The microfloristic associations
are characterized by the presence of: Ammonidium ludloviense (Lister) Dorning, Barbestiastra barbata
(Downie) Sarjeant & Stancliffe, Domasia quadrispinosa Hill, Leiofusa exilata Dorning, L. parvitatis Loeblich,
Multiplicisphaeridium arbusculum Dorning, M. eoplancktonicum (Eisenack) Lister, Neoveryhachium carminae
Cramer, Proteolobus cylindricus Al-Ruwaili, Tylotopalla maraca Díez & Cramer, T. robustispinosa (Downie)
Eisenack et al., Veryhachium trisphaeridium Downie, and Ambitisporites avitus Hoffmeister. According to the
stratigraphic distribution of the theses species, the age of the Cachipunco Formation can be constrained to a
Wenlockian-Ludlovian range. A new species is proposed Multiplicisphaeridium baldisii sp. nov.
lies in the Santa Barbara Range, Jujuy Province, and outcrops at two localities: Angosto Los Pereyras and Cumbre
los Pereyras. The more complete succession is the one from Angosto Los Pereyras, where the formation comprises
273 m of dark siltstones interstratified with thin sandstones and without visible base or top. The microfloristic associations
are characterized by the presence of: Ammonidium ludloviense (Lister) Dorning, Barbestiastra barbata
(Downie) Sarjeant & Stancliffe, Domasia quadrispinosa Hill, Leiofusa exilata Dorning, L. parvitatis Loeblich,
Multiplicisphaeridium arbusculum Dorning, M. eoplancktonicum (Eisenack) Lister, Neoveryhachium carminae
Cramer, Proteolobus cylindricus Al-Ruwaili, Tylotopalla maraca Díez & Cramer, T. robustispinosa (Downie)
Eisenack et al., Veryhachium trisphaeridium Downie, and Ambitisporites avitus Hoffmeister. According to the
stratigraphic distribution of the theses species, the age of the Cachipunco Formation can be constrained to a
Wenlockian-Ludlovian range. A new species is proposed Multiplicisphaeridium baldisii sp. nov.
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