Registros de ocurrencia del oso andino (Tremarctos ornatus Cuvier, 1825) en sus límites de distribución nororiental y austral
Occurrence of the Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus Cuvier, 1825) in its north eastern and southern limit of distribution. The knowledge of the Andean bear’s (Tremarctos ornatus) distribution is fundamental for evaluating the status of the species and the development of conservation measures such as the declaration of new conservation areas or the implementation of the management measures. This study aimed perform some field assessments between the years 2007 and 2008, in the Andean north eastern and southern limits of the species’ range, using the method of tracking mountain ridges to obtain first hand data on the presence / absence of the Andean bear in these areas. We have obtained 101 current records of the species, including the central-western of Venezuela and the northwest tip of Argentina. Finally, we discuss the biogeographic implications of the reported data.
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