Los Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) edáficos del INTA Delta del Paraná (partido de Campana, Buenos Aires). Variación espacial y temporal del elenco de las especies en distintos usos de la tierra
The Heteroptera (Insecta: Hemiptera) soil INTA Delta of Paraná (Campana, Buenos Aires). Spatial and temporal variation of the cast of species in different land uses. A list of 32 species of Heteroptera captured with pitfall traps at INTA (Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria) Delta del Paraná (Partido de Campana, Buenos Aires) is presented in this paper. Two species are mentioned as a first record for the province: Fulvius bisbistillatus (Stål) (Miridae) and Pselliopus ornaticeps (Stål) (Reduviidae). Also an analysis of Spearman rank correlation (r) and correspondence analysis is made, to assess the spatial and temporal variation of Heteroptera communities of different selected land uses.
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