A revision of the bee genus Nomada in Argentina (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Nomadinae)
A revision of the bee genus Nomada Scopoli in Argentina is presented. Nine species are recognized in
this region, five of which are described as new: N. mesopotamica, N. longula, N. chacoana, N. missionica, and N.
turrigera. Lectotypes are designated for N. pampicola Holmberg, 1886, and N. costalis Brèthes, 1909. A new
name, N. holmbergiana, is proposed for Hypochrotaenia parvula Holmberg, 1886, preoccupied in Nomada, and
a neotype is designated for H. parvula Holmberg. A key to the species, descriptions, distributional data, and
illustrations are provided.
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