Hallazgo de sedimentitas sinorogénicas neógenas en los alrededores de Chos Malal, Cuenca Neuquina, Argentina

Martín Cervera, Héctor Leanza


Finding of Neogene synorogenic sedimentites around Chos Malal, Neuquén Basin, Argentina.
The Chos Malal Formation nov. is proposed to group a 140,50 m thick neogene succession of epiclastic
sedimentites including sandstones, silstones and mudstones with tuffaceous input, which were previously ascribed
to the Early Cretaceous Rayoso Formation. They were accumulated during the formation of a syncline elongated
in a NNW-SSE direction, being deposited in angular unconformity on the Rincon Member of the Rayoso Formation,
and covered in the same way by the Middle Miocene-Early Pliocene Rincón Bayo Formation. According to its
stratigraphic position and correlations with near geographically situated units, they are ascribed to the Middle

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