Two new species of Melitoma Lepeletier and Serville (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Emphorini) from South America, with modified hind legs in the males
Two new species of Melitoma Lepeletier and Serville are described: M. fulviscopis n. sp. from Matto
Grosso, Brazil, and M. torquata n. sp. from southeastern and southern Brazil, and northern Argentina. The
males have a peculiar hind basitarsus, unique among emphorine bees, that suggests a close relationship of the
two species. The basitarsus bears, on the inner surface, a longitudinal channel-like polished depression fringed
with long hairs.
Grosso, Brazil, and M. torquata n. sp. from southeastern and southern Brazil, and northern Argentina. The
males have a peculiar hind basitarsus, unique among emphorine bees, that suggests a close relationship of the
two species. The basitarsus bears, on the inner surface, a longitudinal channel-like polished depression fringed
with long hairs.
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