Una nueva especie de coral solitario (Scleractinia, Turbinoliidae) de la Formación San Julián (Oligoceno superior, Santa Cruz) en su contexto estratigráfico y paleoambiental
A new species of a solitary coral (Scleractinia, Turbinoliidae) from the San Julián
Formation (Upper Oligocene, Santa Cruz) in its stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental context.
Small scleractinian corals (Family Turbinoliidae) were collected from the Late Oligocene San Julián Formation,
in Santa Cruz province (southern Patagonia, Argentina). The specimens were assigned to Sphenotrochus aff.
gardineri and to Bothrophoria compressa n. sp., the second record of the genus. According to the lithofacies
association and the remaining fossil invertebrates, these free-living and ahermatypic turbinoliids would have
lived in temperate to warm waters (Juliense sea) and in sandy substrates of the inner shelf-upper shoreface.
Formation (Upper Oligocene, Santa Cruz) in its stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental context.
Small scleractinian corals (Family Turbinoliidae) were collected from the Late Oligocene San Julián Formation,
in Santa Cruz province (southern Patagonia, Argentina). The specimens were assigned to Sphenotrochus aff.
gardineri and to Bothrophoria compressa n. sp., the second record of the genus. According to the lithofacies
association and the remaining fossil invertebrates, these free-living and ahermatypic turbinoliids would have
lived in temperate to warm waters (Juliense sea) and in sandy substrates of the inner shelf-upper shoreface.
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