Relevamiento de la diversidad de Heteroptera (Hemiptera) terrestres del cerro Cura Malal, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Survey of the diversity of terrestrial Heteroptera (Hemiptera) in the Cura Malal hills,
Buenos Aires province, Argentina. This study includes the results of the first intensive survey of terrestrial
Heteroptera in hills from the southern region of the Buenos Aires province. The survey was conducted from May
2005 to March 2006 in the Cura Malal hills at four different altitudes: in the foothills (450 m), at 600 m, 750 m and
1000 m above sea level. A combination of collecting methods: pitfall traps, sweeping net and light traps were used.
Eighty species were captured resulting in some new distributional data and probable new species. The greatest
density of species matched to both intermediate height strata, possibly due to greater diversity of the vegetation
and/or greater complexity or because the microclimatic conditions for the studied groups were more appropriate.
Buenos Aires province, Argentina. This study includes the results of the first intensive survey of terrestrial
Heteroptera in hills from the southern region of the Buenos Aires province. The survey was conducted from May
2005 to March 2006 in the Cura Malal hills at four different altitudes: in the foothills (450 m), at 600 m, 750 m and
1000 m above sea level. A combination of collecting methods: pitfall traps, sweeping net and light traps were used.
Eighty species were captured resulting in some new distributional data and probable new species. The greatest
density of species matched to both intermediate height strata, possibly due to greater diversity of the vegetation
and/or greater complexity or because the microclimatic conditions for the studied groups were more appropriate.
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