Dieta y reproducción de dos especies sintópicas: Hemibrycon boquiae y Bryconamericus caucanus (Pisces: Characidae) en la quebrada Boquía, río Quindío, Alto Cauca, Colombia

César Román Valencia, Raquel Ruiz, Alejandro Giraldo


Diet and reproduction of two syntopic species, Hemibrycon boquiae and Bryconamericus
caucanus (Pisces, Characidae) the Boquia gault, Quindio river, Alto Cauca, Colombia.- The diet and
reproduction of two syntopic species, Hemibrycon boquiae and Bryconamericus caucanus were studied in Boquia
Quindio river drainage, Alto Cauca, Colombia. The diet of H. boquiae consists of insects (66.63%), mainly
authocthonous (62.95%), followed by Clorophyceae (5.88%) and Xanthophyceae (2.78%) algae, vegetable remains
(4.02%) and nematodes (2.16%). The diet of B. caucanus consists of insects (53.63%), mainly authocthonous (43.51%),
followed by Clorophyceae (4.51%) and Xanthophyceae (3.75%) algae, nematodes (3.75%) and Arachnida (1.87%).
B. caucanus reproduces during the wet season (March-April), and H. boquiae in the dry season (July-September).
The mean size at sexual maturity in H. boquiae is 45 mm SL for males and 65 mm SL for females, whereas in B.
caucanus it is around 40 mm SL, for both males and females. Physical and chemical variables of the studied species
habitat were measured.

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