Mamíferos de la Formación El Palmar (Pleistoceno tardío) de la provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina
Mammals of the El Palmar Formation (late Pleistocene) from Entre Ríos province, Argentina.
The diversity of mammals of the El Boyero locality (31º25’S, 58º 02’O), situated in the proximities of
Concordia city, Entre Ríos Province is analysed in this contribution. The fossil remains come from the El Palmar
Formation, which is the highest terrace of the western margin of the Uruguay river, in the mentioned
province, and whose age is assigned to the late Pleistocene. Eight taxa have been identified at specific level:
Megatherium americanum (Megatheriidae Megatheriinae), Mylodon darwini (Mylodontidae Mylodontinae),
Macrauchenia patachonica (Litopterna Macraucheniidae), Toxodon cf. platensis (Notoungulata Toxodontidae),
Tapirus cf. terrestris (Perissodactyla Tapiridae), Equus (Amerhippus) cf. neogeus (Perissodactyla Equidae),
Morenelaphus cf. lujanensis, Antifer sp. (Artiodactyla Cervidae) and Stegomastodon platensis (Proboscidea
Gomphotheriidae). The paleontological record of mammals from the El Palmar Formation was limited to
Stegomastodon platensis; therefore, the identification of the new taxa increases substantially the biodiversity
known in the El Palmar Formation. Also, the first record of Morenelaphus cf. lujanensis is announced for the
Entre Ríos Province. The presence of Equus (A.) cf. neogeus would postulate a Lujanian age (late Pleistoceneearly
Holocene) for the described association.
The diversity of mammals of the El Boyero locality (31º25’S, 58º 02’O), situated in the proximities of
Concordia city, Entre Ríos Province is analysed in this contribution. The fossil remains come from the El Palmar
Formation, which is the highest terrace of the western margin of the Uruguay river, in the mentioned
province, and whose age is assigned to the late Pleistocene. Eight taxa have been identified at specific level:
Megatherium americanum (Megatheriidae Megatheriinae), Mylodon darwini (Mylodontidae Mylodontinae),
Macrauchenia patachonica (Litopterna Macraucheniidae), Toxodon cf. platensis (Notoungulata Toxodontidae),
Tapirus cf. terrestris (Perissodactyla Tapiridae), Equus (Amerhippus) cf. neogeus (Perissodactyla Equidae),
Morenelaphus cf. lujanensis, Antifer sp. (Artiodactyla Cervidae) and Stegomastodon platensis (Proboscidea
Gomphotheriidae). The paleontological record of mammals from the El Palmar Formation was limited to
Stegomastodon platensis; therefore, the identification of the new taxa increases substantially the biodiversity
known in the El Palmar Formation. Also, the first record of Morenelaphus cf. lujanensis is announced for the
Entre Ríos Province. The presence of Equus (A.) cf. neogeus would postulate a Lujanian age (late Pleistoceneearly
Holocene) for the described association.
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