Novedades y comentarios sobre la distribución de algunas especies de aves del noroeste de la Argentina

Jorge Navas, Aníbal Camperi


News and comments on the distribution of some species of birds from northwestern Ar-gentina. Based on the study of Argentinian material housed at the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (Buenos Aires), Fundación Miguel Lillo (Tucumán) and Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago), the most northern record for Gallinula chloropus galeata, the first precise locality for Gallinula chloropus garmani, the second known locality for Attagis gayi simonsi, the most southern record of Vanellus resplendens, new localities for Recurvirostra andina, and notes on the status of Columba maculosa albipennis are presented.

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