Somotrichus unifasciatus (Dejean) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini), introducido en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Somotrichus unifasciatus (Dejean, 1831) (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini) introduced in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The presence of this species is recorded for three localities in the northeast of Buenos Aires Province: Exaltación de la Cruz (Capilla del Señor), Pergamino (Peregamino city) and Ramallo (Ramallo city) . It is here redescribed for adequate identification. Previous records for this species in the New World include only Guadelupe and Brazil. Numerous specimens were collected in Capilla del Señor and Perga-mino from the underside of piles of avian manure mixed with residual balanced food fallen from chick breeding cages associated with several Arthropoda including larvae and adults of the cosmopolitan tenebrionid species Tribolium confusum Duv. and Alphitobius piceus (Oliv.).The former species may probably be among the preferential preys of this carabid beetle.
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