Revisión sistemática de las subespecies de la Caminera Colorada (Geositta rufipennis) de la Argentina
Systematic revision of the subspecies of the Rufous -banded Miner (Geositta rufipennis) of Argentina. The five subspecies of G. rufipennis recognized for Argentina have each received separate systematic studies by diverse authors. The purpose of this paper is to unite all the published information with a review of all available material, in order to resolve the geographical distribution of each subspecies. 123 specimens from various collections were used in this study. This work provides new localities for G. r. rufipennis, G. r. ottowi, G. r. hoyi y G. r. giaii. The validity of G. r. fragai is analyzed and it is included in G. r. hoyi synonimy. The geographical distribution of each subspecies is illustrated on a map of specimen localities.
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