Aportes al conocimiento de los dípteros ciclorrafos en el área urbana de Bahía Blanca (provincia de Buenos Aires), Argentina
Contributions to the knowledge of diptera cyclorrapha in the urban area of Bahia Blanca (Buenos Aires province ), Argentina. The group of insects commonly designated as «flies» corresponds roughly to the Cyclorrapha (Diptera: Brachycera). These insects are important for medical and sanitary reasons, since some species can carry diseases by acting as mechanical vectors of pathogenic microorganisms, or as parasites (myiasis), or both. Some species have forensic relevance. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of Diptera Cyclorrapha and the seasonal distribution of the different species in the city of Bahía Blanca (38º44S, 62º16W), Argentina. To this end, monthly samples were taken in the urban area, between October 2004 and October 2005. The material collected was obtained by hand-catching or bait traps, and it was determined with taxonomic keys. The samples were found to include four families: Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Muscidae and Anthomyiidae. Twelve species were determined. The analysis of the collection data confirm the existence of a seasonal variability of the Diptera Cyclorrapha. The species of Calliphoridae are the most important from medical and sanitary points of view. The data obtained have potential relevance in forensic entomology and in the study of species that are actual or potential etiological agents of myiasis in the city.
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