Novedades palinológicas de las formaciones San José y Chiquimil (Mioceno medio y tardío), noroeste de Argentina
In this contribution three new fossil genera Cordiapollenites gen. nov., Euphortricolporites gen. nov., Prosocolporites gen. nov. and four new species Cordiapollenites espinulata sp. nov., Euphortricolporites perforata sp. nov., Prosocolporites argentina sp. nov. and Cyperaceaepollis kyllingoides sp. nov. and one new combination: Ailanthipites gamerroi Archangelsky are described. The botanical affinities of these taxa are with: Cordia spp., Boraginaceae (Cordiapollenites espinulata), Euphorbia spp. Euphorbiaceae (Euphortricolporites perforatae), Prosopis spp. Fabaceae (Prosocolporites argentina) and Kyllinga spp. Cyperaceae (Cyperaceaepollis kyllingoides). Chronostratigraphic analysis of the families of the taxa is realized. It is concluded that most of the botanical affinities of the genera under study constitute the first palynological reports of the Argentine Cenozoic (Paleocene-Pliocene interval). The proposal is that the paleocommunities in which the fossil taxa developed were: hydrophytic freshwater marsh, higrophyla vegetation, xerophytic plant community and upland forest.
Palabras clave
Miocene, New taxa, Botanical affinity
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