Producción y biología del polen en algunas variedades de Vitis vinifera L. cultivadas en la Argentina
From East viticultural region of Mendoza Province, variables related to the pollen production and pollen biology in eleven vine varieties (three with functionally pistilated flowers and inaperturate pollen) were analyzed. The objective was to determine the regional aeropalynological model for harvest forecasting. Results of the inflorescences size, flowers number/inflorescence, pollen number/flower, pollen viability and pollen germination variables, were evaluated with ANOVA. Through statistical treatment differences in pollen production among varieties were recognized. According to a logarithmic model the pollen production was determined by the flowers number/inflorescence which are related to the inflorescences size. Relationships between the pollen production and the biological variables (viability and germination were not found. Pollen viability and pollen germination had differences among varieties, although they did not have incidence in the pollen production. This variable did not have significant differences among functionally pistillated flowers varieties and those with perfect flowers. Therefore the representativeness of the inaperturate pollen in the pollen spectra of the East viticultural area of Mendoza can be recognized as a good indicative for the harvest of Vitis vinifera varieties with pistillated flowers.
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