Palinoestratigrafía del Carbonífero-Pérmico de la Argentina: estado actual del conocimiento
The aims of this work is to bring up to date the regional palynostratigraphic schemes from the Carboniferous-Permian of Argentina and to synthesize their main characteristics, their equivalences and correlations. These schemes are based mainly on the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of diagnostic taxa identified in microfloras of different lithostratigraphic units from the Tarija (CT), Paganzo (CP), Río Blanco (CRB), Calingasta-Uspallata (CCU), San Rafael-Pérmica Oriental (CSR), Tepuel-Genoa (CTG), Colorado (CC) and Chacoparanense (CCh) basins. For the Early Carboniferous of CRB and CCU, the Cordylosporites-Verrucosisporites (CV) Assemblage Biozone was proposed. In the Late Carboniferous of the CP, CRB, CCU and CSR basins the Raistrickia densa-Convolutispora muriornata (DM) Assemblage Biozone was established, whereas for the CT the Superbiozone Kraeuselisporites volkheimerii-Circumplicatipollis plicatus (VP). This unit was subdivided, in ascending order, in the Crassispora kosankei-Cystoptychus azcuyi (KA), Raistrickia radiosa-Apiculatasporites spinulistratus (RS), Dictyotriletes bireticulatus-Cristatisporites chacoparanensis (BC), Converrucosisporites micronodosus-Reticulatisporites reticulatus (MR) and Marsupipollenites triradiatus-Lundbladispora braziliensis (TB) first appearance interval Biozones. In the Late Carboniferous-Early Permian of the CCh and CC was recognized the Potonieisporites-Lundbladispora (PL) Assemblage Biozone, whereas for the CCh, CC and CTG the Cristatisporites (Cr) Assemblage Biozone. The Vittatina subsaccata-Pakhapites fusus (FS) Interval Biozone and the Lueckisporites-Weylandites (LW) Assemblage Biozone were proposed for the Early Permian of the CRB, CP, CCU and CSR; whereas for the upper part of the Early Permian and the Late Permian of CCh and CC the Striatites (S) Assemblage Biozone was identified.
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