Catálogo de los musgos (Bryophyta) de la Región Fueguina en Argentina y Chile
The moss flora of the Fuegian region is fairly well-known and the unexplored areas are relatively few.
The compilation of all the records scattered over more than two centuries of exploration and studies in
Tierra del Fuego and the Malvinas Islands resulted in the recognition of 369 species, 3 subspecies and 29
varieties distributed in 119 genera. A few taxa newly recorded for the region are: Fallaciella Crum,
Campylopus subnitens Kaal., Dicranoweisia mackayi (Broth. & Dix.) Broth., Didymodon andreaeoides
Card. & Broth., Fallaciella gracilis Crum, and Philonotis polymorpha (Müll. Hal ) Kindb. Acroschisma
wilsonii (Hook. f.) A. Jaeger is a new species for the Argentine territory
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