Análisis palinológico-sedimentológico del Holoceno Superior de Salinas del Bebedero (San Luis, Argentina): primeros resultados
With the aim to interpret vegetation changes during the Holocene at Salinas del Bebedero, an upper-five-meter core was studied. Three zones, by pollen and sedimentology analysis, were recognized. Five silty sediments alternated with salt were identified, indicating probably five climatic cold periods with saline-environment conditions in the last 2,000 years BP. Chenopodiaceae pollen was always overrepresented (therefore not included in the total pollen sum) and others herbs and shrubs were presented with variable relative abundances. The presence of Celtis, Ephedra, Prosopis, Anacardiaceae, and Poaceae indicate Monte vegetation with an important herbaceous content through the whole sequence.
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