Checklist of the marine Bryozoa from Uruguay (Southwest Atlantic)
Knowledge of the marine bryozoan fauna of Uruguay is mostly based on scattered records found in local faunistic surveys and the taxonomic results of two oceanographic cruises to the Southwest Atlantic, but a comprehensive study has not yet been published for this area. This paper aims to compile an updated checklist, bringing together all the published information about the Uruguayan bryozoan fauna. Of the 73 recorded taxa, 30 (41%) are known only from deep waters off the Río de la Plata. Even considering undetermined species, these results show the high degree of endemism as it was already shown for several other benthic groups such as Bivalvia, Ascidiacea and Pycnogonida. The absence of local taxonomists on bryozoans has resulted in the unprecedented situation that the deep-sea bryozoan fauna of Uruguay is better known than the coastal and shelf representatives of the phylum. The main conclusion of this faunal compilation is that efforts should be made to coordinate the gathering and taxonomic study of shallow and shelf bryozoan collections to bridge the present knowledge gap about the biodiversity of this important group of marine benthic invertebrates.
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