Registro de Vulturidae (Aves, Ciconiiformes) en el Neógeno de La provincia de la Rioja, Argentina

Rafael Rodriguez Brizuela


Record of Vulturidae (Aves, Ciconiiformes ) in the Neogene ofLa Riojaprovince, Argentina. The first record of a fossil condor for the Andean region of westernArgentinais presented.  The material consists in a distal extreme of the right humerous, here determined as cf. Dryornis sp. The  fossil material was located in the lower Member of the Toro Negro Formation (Neogene), in Vinchina  department, northwest ofLa Riojaprovince. Described sedimentary and paleoecological characteristics,  together with this record of Vulturidae, suggest variations in the paleoclimate during the depositional  times of the Toro Negro Formation, from humid to semiarid conditions.  Key words: Aves, Vulturidae, Toro Negro Formation, Neogene,La Rioja.  

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