Occurrence of Pteria colymbus (Bivalvia: Pteriidae) in Argentine waters
The family Pteriidae is well represented in tropical and subtropical continental shelf regions. Two names
belonging to the genus Pteria are usually recorded in the literature from the southwestern Atlantic: P. colymbus
(Röding) and P. hirundo (Linnaeus). The study of living specimens sampled off Buenos Aires coast aboard of
the R/V Puerto Deseado allows updating the geographic range of the Atlantic wing oyster Pteria colymbus in the
region. Type materials of related species are illustrated. Ecological requirements and shell morphology description
of P. colymbus are provided. This study constitutes the first revision of this species from Argentine waters.
belonging to the genus Pteria are usually recorded in the literature from the southwestern Atlantic: P. colymbus
(Röding) and P. hirundo (Linnaeus). The study of living specimens sampled off Buenos Aires coast aboard of
the R/V Puerto Deseado allows updating the geographic range of the Atlantic wing oyster Pteria colymbus in the
region. Type materials of related species are illustrated. Ecological requirements and shell morphology description
of P. colymbus are provided. This study constitutes the first revision of this species from Argentine waters.
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