La exploración científica en el sur de América del Sur a lo largo de 237 años: Un ejemplo con Carabidae (Coleoptera)

Sergio Roig Juñent, Eider Ruiz Manzanos, Federico Agrain


The scientific exploration in Southern South America along 237 years: An example with Carabidae (Coleoptera). Ccarabidae are one richest families of Ccoleoptera. A total of 39 tribes are known from austral South America (76.4 % of the Nneotropical fauna). Ttribal richness is characteristic of transition zones, in this case, between the and the Andean regions. Tthe number of occuring species in Austral South America represents 23 % of the species, with many endemic and relictual tribes, mainly of Pangeic or Gondwanic origin. Many years of work were needed to reach this knowledge on Austral South American Ccarabidae. present contribution present a synopsis to scientific knowledge during all this time, including scientific studies of the carabid fauna of southern South America through 237 years of systematic work. tendencies
that seem to have influenced the description rates during this time are also indicated. Political, economic and historical events are analysed considering their influence on the amount of described taxa.

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