Hallazgo de una feca fósil en el Pleistoceno Superior-Holoceno Inferior del partido de General Guido, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Finding of an Upper Pleistocene-Lower Holocene fecal fossil remain at General Guido
Department, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The fossil Quaternary record of coprolites in South America
is extremely scarce, especially that of carnivorous mammals. In this paper, a coprolite coming from the Upper
Pleistocene-Lower Holocene Luján Formation at the locality of General Guido, Buenos Aires province, Argentina
is reported. The morphological analysis suggests canids affinities, and showing several similitudes with the
feces of the living species Pseudalopex culpaeus. The fossil specimen contains several inclusions of fragmentary
bones of unidentified vertebrates as well as incomplete plant remains. The present specimen constitutes the
first evidence of fossil fecal remains from the General Guido Department, Buenos Aires province, Argentina.
Department, Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The fossil Quaternary record of coprolites in South America
is extremely scarce, especially that of carnivorous mammals. In this paper, a coprolite coming from the Upper
Pleistocene-Lower Holocene Luján Formation at the locality of General Guido, Buenos Aires province, Argentina
is reported. The morphological analysis suggests canids affinities, and showing several similitudes with the
feces of the living species Pseudalopex culpaeus. The fossil specimen contains several inclusions of fragmentary
bones of unidentified vertebrates as well as incomplete plant remains. The present specimen constitutes the
first evidence of fossil fecal remains from the General Guido Department, Buenos Aires province, Argentina.
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