Palinología e icnología en la determinación del contacto discordante Cretácico-Terciario en Venezuela suroccidental y su impacto en la exploración por hidrocarburos
Palynology and ichnology in the determination of Cretaceous-Tertiary unconformity
contact in southwestern Venezuela and their impact in hidrocarbons exploration. Palynological results
from the southwest of Venezuela are given. The material comes from two wells drilled in Barinas state. Integration
of results from analyses of marine and terrestrial palynomorphs, and ichnofacies, allows to determine the
Maastrichtian-middle Eocene unconformity in well #1 at 9901´5´´ by the presence of Foveotriletes margaritae
(Van der Hammen) Germeraad, Hopping & Muller, peridinioid dinocysts and the Glossifungites ichnofacies. In
well # 2, the unconformity was established by the presence of F. margaritae, Ariadnaesporites Potonie and
Buttinia andreevi Boltenhagen at 10154´6´´.
contact in southwestern Venezuela and their impact in hidrocarbons exploration. Palynological results
from the southwest of Venezuela are given. The material comes from two wells drilled in Barinas state. Integration
of results from analyses of marine and terrestrial palynomorphs, and ichnofacies, allows to determine the
Maastrichtian-middle Eocene unconformity in well #1 at 9901´5´´ by the presence of Foveotriletes margaritae
(Van der Hammen) Germeraad, Hopping & Muller, peridinioid dinocysts and the Glossifungites ichnofacies. In
well # 2, the unconformity was established by the presence of F. margaritae, Ariadnaesporites Potonie and
Buttinia andreevi Boltenhagen at 10154´6´´.
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