Rhamnaceae asociadas a mieles fétidas en Argentina
Rhamnaceae allied to fetid honeys in Argentine. Melissopalynological analysis of six honey
samples, commercially rejected for its fetid odour, was performed. These honeys were produced from Espinal
and Pampeana Phytogeographical Provinces. The main nectar sources that characterized monofloral honeys
belong to the following families: Rhamnaceae (Discaria americana, Scutia buxifolia) and Calyceraceae (Acicarpha
tribuloides) along with pollen of S. buxifolia as secondary. According with the results of the present study it
seems that the odour has its origin in the Rhamnaceae flowers.
samples, commercially rejected for its fetid odour, was performed. These honeys were produced from Espinal
and Pampeana Phytogeographical Provinces. The main nectar sources that characterized monofloral honeys
belong to the following families: Rhamnaceae (Discaria americana, Scutia buxifolia) and Calyceraceae (Acicarpha
tribuloides) along with pollen of S. buxifolia as secondary. According with the results of the present study it
seems that the odour has its origin in the Rhamnaceae flowers.
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