Nuevos registros de cérvidos poco conocidos: Epieuryceros cf. proximus Castellanos y Antifer sp. (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Cervidae)
New records of poorly known cervids: Epieuryceros cf. proximus Castellanos and Antifer sp. (Mammalia, Artiodactyla, Cervidae). In this paper we report, , The findings of two poorly known Cervidae from outside the pampean area are reported: Epieuryceros cf. proximus, coming from the Toropí Formation (middle Pleistocene) in the province of Corrientes, and Antifer sp., found in the middle Pleistocene-early Holocene of the province of Formosa. The record of E. cf. proximus, is congruent with the signaled age for the Toropí Formation . In addition, the present situation of the systematic aspects of the species belonging to the family Cervidae is discussed. Finally, and from a paleozoogeographical point of view, these reports represent the most septentrional limit, in Argentina, for both taxa.
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